Windows Setup (MinGW)
Rem. This part is only for advanced users. THe use of Visual Studio is encouraged.
MS Visual Studio is the most standard approach to compile C++ on Windows, you may use alternative compiler and IDE. These alternative solution can be lighter than using the full Visual Studio IDE, but require more technical set-up.
- Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a lightweight code editor that can be use to edit C++ code (as well as other programming language).
- VS Code is however only a code editor, and doesn't provide a C++ compiler in itself. The general approach is to install a compiler separately, and add it to the Windows path in order to be detected by VS Code.
- MinGW is an implementation of the Open-Source gcc compiler on Windows. It is the main alternative to the compiler provided by Visual Studio.
System setup
These steps need to be done only once on a given computer.
Follow the instructions described on
this page to install MinGW and set VS Code.
1. Install MSYS2
MSYS2 is a Software package manager for Windows allowing to install softwares bundles from command lines.
2. Install MinGW through MSYS2 (The C++ compiler)
MinGW is the C++ compiler we will use through VS Code.
pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
3. Add MinGW compiler to the Windows path.
Allow to call g++ from the command line, and enable VS Code to detect the path to the compiler.
Compiling in VS Code
This step needs to be done every time you will open a C++ project.
Let us consider the
root_directory of the project (directory with the CMakeLists.txt) to be
This directory can be adapted to any other scene example.
1. Open the directory root_directory in VS Code using "File" \(\rightarrow\) "Open Folder".
Rem. Don't open directly a .cpp/.hpp file in VS Code, otherwise you will not load the entire project, but only a single file.
2. Compile the code in selecting the "Build" option in the taskbar on the bottom of the window.
Select the compiler "GCC" associated to the MinGW path that should appear in the choices.
Once compiled, the file
build/example_compilation.exe should be generated. You can run the executable either:
- In double-clicking on this file
- In typing on the VS Code terminal: