Damien Rohmer

Professor of Computer Science at Ecole polytechnique
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
  • Damien.Rohmer@polytechnique.edu
  • (+33) 1 69 35 69 62
  • LIX - Bâtiment Alan Turing
    1 rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves
    91120 Palaiseau, France
  • (Office 153)
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[ CV ]
Researcher in Computer Graphics in the VISTA team at LIX
Keywords: 3D Modeling, Real-Time Animation & Simulation, Virtual Character, User Interaction, Garments, Natural Phenomena.
Main ongoing responsabilities:
Vice Director of the LIX Research Laboratory.
LIX is the Laboratoire of Informatics of Ecole polytechnique. It hosts approximately 200 members.
It is a CNRS unité mixte de recherche, UMR 7161.
Head of the VISTA Research Team.
VISTA: Visual World: Temporal Analysis, Animation and Authoring; is a Computer Graphics and Vision research group, part of the Modeling, Simulation & Learning group at LIX.
Coordinator of the "Image, Vision, Machine Learning" (IVA) teaching specialization.
IVA is a specialization track from the CS department proposed to the 3rd year engineering students at Polytechnique (20-30 students/year).
The classes are also proposed in the AI and advanced Visual Computing Master, and IGD Master from IP Paris.


Service: I am now serving as Vice Director of the LIX laboratory.
Award: Honorable Best Poster Award at SCA 2024 for the poster "Art-directable expressive oscillation behavior for rigged characters".
Award: Honorable Best Paper Presentation Award at SCA 2024, for Julia Melgare for the paper "Reactive Gaze during Locomotion in Natural Environments".
Event: David Henri Garnier defended his PhD on "Interactive 3D Modeling of Evolutionary and Emergent Bio-Inspired Shapes"
Event: I organized a research Spring school about 3D Animation in Computer Graphics in April
Event: Jiayi Wei and Eduardo Alvarado defended their PhD


Current PhDs

Amandine Legrand
2024/10 - 2027/09
Multiresolution sketch-based animation for 3D virtual model
Damien Rohmer (director), Amal Dev Parakkat (co-supervisor)
Funding: ANR JCJC Amal Dev Parakkat
Xianjin (Xavier) Gong
2024/10 - 2027/09
Editing 3D Keyframed Animation via Gesture & Vocal Inputs
Damien Rohmer (director), Vicky Kalogeiton (co-supervisor)
Funding: ANR AnimationConductor
Rodrigo Stevenson
2023/10 - 2026/09
Deforming and Animating Multi-Material Objects Using Multi-Valued Field Functions
Damien Rohmer (director), Marie-Paule Cani (co-director)
Funding: ANR MultiForm
2023/04 - 2026/04
Complex interior scene reconstruction from sparse multimodal data
Damien Rohmer (director), Marie-Paule Cani (co-director)
Funding: CIFRE Homiwoo
2022/10 - 2025/10
Video-Based Synthesis and Editing of 3D Animated Humanoid Characters
Damien Rohmer (director), Marie-Paule Cani (co-director)
Funding: CIFRE Kinetix

Former PhDs [+]


[ Publication Webpage ]

I am a researcher in Computer Graphics working in 3D Modeling, Deformation and Animation of virtual content with a specific focus on efficiency, interactivity and user control. The general objective of my work is to develop novel methods to support and improve creativity, representation, exploration and experimentation with virtual data, possibly adapted to various application domains.

Application Domains: Entertainment (Animation Cinema, VFX, Video Games, AR/VR), Natural Sciences (Medical, Biology), Design & Fabrication (Fashion, CAD, Architecture).

Main Research Axes

Interactive Shape & Animation Design
- Sketch-Based Modeling
- Shape and Animation Sculpting
- Space-Time Constraints
Sketching Fashion Products: [CGF21,CGP17, TOG15]
Sketching/Sculpting Hierarchies [SMI19, CGF17, CGF15]
Wrinkles and details: [FoCM18], [CGF15], [SIGGRAPHA10]
Sound-based Animation: [MIG19]
Fluid Sculpting: [MIG16]
Efficient Visual Simulation
- Multi-Scale Physical Simulation
- Coupled and Hybrid Models
- Natural Phenomenon
Natural scene: Volcano [I3D22, EG24], Terrain [Frontiers22, Vis.Comp.24]
Developable surfaces, Virtual paper [CGF17, SCA16, TOG15]
Biological evolution: [SMO22, jBS15, CGF24]
Implicit Surfaces & Field-Based Modeling
- Volume-Based modeling
- Collision and Contact Handling
- Shape deformation
Deformers and Contacts [SIGGRAPH19, SIGGRAPHA10]
CSG Modeling [SMO22]
Implicit Skinning: [SIGGRAPH13]
Character Animation and Deformation
- Real-Time Skinning Animation
- Animation principles and Cartoon effects
- Physics-Based Character Animation
Dynamic Skinning [EG21, GI22]
Skinning Deformation [SIGGRAPH13, SCA09]
Character Dynamics: [SCA22, Frontiers22, SCA24]


I teach Computer Sciences and Computer Graphics at Ecole Polytechnique.

[ Teaching Webpage ]


I develop a few Open-Source libraries and scripting tools related to Computer Graphics, Research and Teaching

Short Presentation & Bio

I am a Professor of Computer Science at Ecole polytechnique, part of Institut Polytechnique de Paris. My research focuses on Computer Graphics, specifically in 3D modeling, Deformation, and Animation of virtual content, with an emphasis on Real-Time Efficiency, Interactivity, and User Control. I have contributed to to the Modeling and Animation of Virtual Character, Developable Surface, 3D Garment models, and to the Simulation of Natural Phenomena. I try to couple procedural approaches and lightweight physics, with the use of appropriate geometrical representation featuring for instance hierarchical level of details and field based representations. The typical application of my research are for entertainment production recquiring efficiency and interactivity such as Animation Cinema, VFX, and Games, with publications in Graphics journals and venues including SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, SCA and MIG. I additionally enjoy collaboration with other disciplines such as Medical Sciences, Math, or Design.

I obtained my PhD in 2011 from Grenoble University. I also hold an Engineering Degree from CPE Lyon in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (2007), a Master in Optics, Image and Vision from Université Jean Monnet at Saint-Etienne (2007), and a Habilitation (HDR) from Grenoble University (2017).
I am currently serving as Vice-Director of LIX, and leading the VISTA research team. I was conference chair of SCA2017, program chair of MIG2021 and IMET2023, and I am regularily part of multiple IPC such as Eurographics, Pacific Graphics, SCA, MIG, Siggraph and Siggraph Asia Posters, Shorts and courses. At the national level, I was part of the sterring commity of AFIG - French Association in CG between 2015 to 2024.
I am widely involved into education, encompassing teaching at various level, including master and bachelor programs in CG, 3D animation, as well as Web Programming, and engage in tutoring numerous student projects. I am also coordinating the Image, Vision and Learning specialization at Ecole polytechnique, and actively contribute to the organization of the Interaction, Graphics & Design Master program at IP Paris. I further enjoy proposing and developing open-source content and softwares in order to facilitate accessibility and re-usability to students and the scientific community. These include a set of open-source online course slides and practical exercises in CG and Animation, and an entire programming library framework (CGP). I am also the main developer of open community-driven listings for existing Graphics companies, available positions, french research teams, and educational content.