Teaching Material

[X-INF585] - 3D Computer Animation
Specialized course on real-time deformation, interactive animation, and physically-based simulation.
- Students: X3A, Master1/2 IPP IGD, GD1 AI-ViC
- Language: en
- Period: January-March, 36h

[X-INF443] - Graphique 3D, Lab Class
Introduction to Graphics Programming with OpenGL, basics of Modeling and Animation.
- Students: X2A
- Language: fr
- Period: March-May, 20h

[X-CSE104] - Web Programming
Webpage description and design with HTML and CSS. JavaScript programming and user interaction. Introduction to server/PHP programming.
- Students: BX1
- Language: en
- Period: February-May, 32h

[Epita-Ani3D] - Animation 3D
Introduction to interactive 3D animation.
- Students: EPITA Image 3A
- Language: fr
- Period: October, 18h